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Media push

For a new ban on weapons that look like assault rifles?

6 Responses to “Media push”

  1. mikee Says:

    So the real story is that ABC News has run out of actual, recent events to report and is recycling their reports from the early 1990s?

    I guess it is easier and more cost effective than doing any real reporting.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Unfortunately, there has been a rash of nut jobs out there just grabbing a Semi-Auto Long Gun and shooting up people. Sheriff Joe just had one a couple of days ago in Arizona, and it looks like they just found an innocent couple who got murdered by the same cretin.

    So, yeah, I expect that they’ll be some sort of Media-Induced Ban Movement against the Semi-Auto Long Gun, and the Obama Administration may just have one of their Tzars issue an Imperial Edict. After all, “We Can’t Wait!” when it comes to “Officer Safety!”

    Nor lose the Ant-Gun Vote. After all, not that many Pro-Gunners will vote to Re-Anoint Barry.

    Check that. SOME will, if Romney gets the Nod, but then, what would be the difference between Barry saying “Here’s a Half a Pound of Crap! Voter for Me!” while Romney says “Wait a Minute! Here’s 8 Ounces of Crap! Vote for Me!”

  3. HL Says:

    Yeah, what is scary about all that imperial edict shit is that if he wins re-election, he can enact controls via that method–which he is establishing now–and spare the gun-grabbers in congress from having to support it which would endanger their seats like in 94.

    So as much as it feels like we are winning now, until we are rid of Obama, we have won nothing, and should spare the fanfare.

    It could all be gone with the stroke of his pen on the morning of November 7th, without so much as single congressional seat put at risk for 2014.

  4. HL Says:

    For that matter, he could do it that morning even if he loses, and leave it to Romney to undo the action.

    In that case, would Romney rush to undo it?

  5. ATLien Says:

    I would actually dare him to do that HL. That may solve all of our problems.

  6. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Molon lave

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