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Tactical Hog Hunting

SHWAT: Special Hog Weapons & Tactics.

Ok then.

5 Responses to “Tactical Hog Hunting”

  1. mikee Says:

    Giving hogs special weapons and training them in tactics will end badly.

  2. Pop N Fresh Says:

    this is where tactical bacon comes from

  3. Critter Says:

    Feral Hog Control communities? And here I thought it was just some rednecks killing pigs. I sure am out of the loop.

  4. Tango Says:

    Special Hogs and Tactics.

  5. SHWAT™ Says:

    Why SHWAT™? America has a hog problem. SHWAT™ has answers. And Brian McCombie of Outdoor Life Magazine notoriety hits the nail on the head in his new article about it all. That’s right! Stop what you are doing and go check it out at right now. Hit the “Like” button there or at, and pass the word on. Send everybody you know over. We are all about solutions and we have a blast! Literally.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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