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Wait, what?

Made me look twice: Clinton to keynote NRA gathering

I think he heard there were chicks there.

6 Responses to “Wait, what?”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Dunno he’s a man who also likes his fried chicken.

  2. Ron W Says:

    If it was the other NRA, I’d figured Billy Jeff had repented from his evil ways.

  3. ZerCool Says:

    If it was the send-me-made-in-China-crap NRA, I could see the Secret Service going into a damn tailspin.

  4. CarlS Says:

    The National Restaurant Association tells its’ members to ban all weapons in their stores, and its’ lawyers assert that neither the Association nor the store owners can be held liable if any customers are endangered while on store property.

    There was a case in Tennessee some years back where a woman was attacked in a WalMart parking lot, back when that particular store banned guns. It was followed by an attack in a restaurant parking lot, which also banned guns. I queried the Tennessee Restaurant Association, a subset of the National association, about its’ policy and their response was basically “We don’t care. Not our problem.”

    Benedetti Teresa said in a letter “As legal counsel to the Tennessee Restaurant Association . . . You have requested a list of members of the Tennessee Restaurant Association. It is our policy not to provide that list so as to prevent harassment of our members.”

    They felt it needful to hide membeship lists. One wonders why; what the real reason was.

    Note that nothing was said about preventing harassment, assault, robbery, rape, or murder of customers.

    Check YOUR local restaurants. Are they members?

  5. furtium Says:

    I’ve heard that he’ll be promoting an end to restricting the sale of Cuban cigars. After all, cigars don’t diddle interns, presidents diddle interns.

  6. Ron W Says:

    I’d be all for importing Cuban cigars. After all we import most everything we use from China, which is ruled by a continuation of the same regime which murdered 50 million of its people, so why not import and enjoy a Cuban? And yes, cigars and guns are just things, it’s the user is the culprit in their misuse.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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