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Quote of the day


She also says she is a pacifist. That makes her a freeloader.

Never thought of it like that. That is simple, to the point, and explains a mindset.

10 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. bluesun Says:

    If you claim you’re a pacifist, you’d better not ever call the cops.

  2. MAJ Mike Says:

    I’m a heavily armed pacifist.

  3. Skyler Says:

    Pacifism is cowardice. People who cannot summon the moral fortitude to defend what is right no matter how evil the force aligned against them are called cowards. Hiding behind some religious or philosophical concept does not change that equation.

  4. Jake Says:

    Pacifism is selfishness. A “pacifist” is someone who has decided that their own spiritual “purity” is worth more than the lives of any number of innocents.

    After reaching that realization, I can do nothing but hold such people in absolute contempt.

  5. Kristopher Says:

    When she says she is a pacifist, she is lying.

    Pacifists do not support ANY violence. Including having cops acting as armed agents to enforce gun control.

    How does she expect the police to enforce her gun control scheme? Via strongly worded letters of reprimand?

    When some gun-grabber claims pacifism, they are really just being squeamish. They want to cops to disarm or shoot these gun owning cousin humping redneck retards for them.

  6. Firehand Says:

    I have yet to hear from a pacifist or ‘anti-violence’ type that they’d refuse to call the cops- the ARMED cops- to come save them from a bad guy.

  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Sounds like she should have 911 blocked on her Phone, then suffer the consequences.

  8. comatus Says:

    I’m with Kristopher. I’ll stand up for the Amish, for instance, and help however I can. They likely will not be asking me for help. There are many other ways in which they will gladly help me. These peaceniks are not pacifists. They’re just on the other side.

  9. Snowdog Says:

    Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay — and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein

  10. David Says:

    “She also says she is a pacifist. That makes her a freeloader.”

    No, that should make her – bait!

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