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More like this please

Rand Paul Returns $500K of Office Budget to the Treasury.

I rather wish this Paul was running for president.

9 Responses to “More like this please”

  1. Jennifer Says:

    me too

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    Amen brother!

  3. Mark Says:

    The Paul who is running does the same thing with his office’s left over budget money too.

  4. Freiheit Says:

    You want Ron for President this season. Rand Paul is my Senator (sent money, voted for him, even encouraged the Libertarians to vote for him since we didnt have a candidate in that race), and he has done a lot of good but he is still a little raw. Not quite able to negotiate and get his way nor does he command sufficient power, like his dad, to have enough leverage.

    Rand also, from time to time, does some incredibly stupid things.

  5. Freiheit Says:

    Not to say that Rand is bad, just new. He’s off to a great start!

  6. Bryan S. Says:

    If his father was as serious, he would have stepped down from his current position instead of being out politicking.

    Same goes for anyone else in office.

  7. Ron W Says:


    Ron Paul is giving up his Congressional seat and not standing for re-election. But I suppose you mean that someone seeking one office should resign from their current office. That’s a good idea, so that politicians would ALL have to operate like the rest of us. Last time we had two U.S. Senators running for Prez by the Democrats and Republicans while not doing the jobs for which they were elected and HIRED. We common poeple couldn’t do it taht way.

  8. Ron W Says:


    Yes either after his Senate term or resignation, Rand Paul would be a much better presidential candidate than his father.

  9. bob Says:

    RON PAUL 2012

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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