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In the mail err magically transported through Al Gore’s internets

The Practical Guide to Everyday Carry Gear. It features various authors discussing various gear. The reviews are funny.

You can buy it at Amazon. And part of profits go to charity.

4 Responses to “In the mail err magically transported through Al Gore’s internets”

  1. Butch Cassidy Says:

    Dave Spaulding’s flashlight chat was worth the download on its own.

  2. Jim Says:

    There were two prices there at amazon: $2.99 and $8.99. They both looked the same in terms of content…

  3. Jim Says:

    Make that $9.99

  4. Jim Says:

    Alright, got it all straightened out. $2.99 is for the workbook which is about 10-12 pages of content, most of which could be garnered from surfing the web on EDC sites and survival blogs. After realizing my error I returned the kindle workbook for a refund. I’ll wait for some reviews on the actual book before I buy.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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