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The frog with no legs is deaf

I’ve spilled ink (err pixels I guess) before on why it’s pointless to debate the anti-gunners. It’s pointless for a few reasons:

  • No one reads them but you. So, you’re not converting anyone.
  • It doesn’t matter that you’re winning, they’ll send it down the memory hole.
  • It’s time better spent blogging.
  • Or time better spent taking someone to the range.
  • They are paid shills, who will not change their mind. And you’re not going to convince them or their casual reader. Their only use to me is when they do or say something really stupid that I can use to shame the movement. And they just don’t do that enough to keep me entertained. This is why I don’t read them and I don’t debate them. They should be ignored and their views should be marginalized.

    Others are coming around to that view too.

    11 Responses to “The frog with no legs is deaf”

    1. NAME REDACTED Says:

      I disagree. We should always keep debating and making the arguments, so future generations are not swayed by their nonsense. The cause of liberty is a never ending fight.

    2. SGB Says:

      The cause of liberty is a never ending fight but it is not served by being their only source of exposure. Cover a plant up and it dies. Don’t be the sunshine for these people.

    3. John Farrier Says:

      I was vigorously anti-gun until I was 19. For a college political science class, I had to write a paper arguing for some public policy change. So I decided to write a paper advocating strict gun control laws. But after I did research and looked at the arguments, I switched sides. I’ve supported RKBA ever since.

      It’s possible to change anti-gun people if they haven’t thought too much about the subject. And I’ve met a lot of casually anti-gun people who have never been confronted with an opposing point of view.

      Some people on the other side are true enemies of freedom. Others have just never thought through the subject.

    4. Hartley Says:

      I’m not a blogger, but I do read ’em..:-) IMHO, Unc, your fourth bullet (time better spent taking someone to the range) is the absolute BEST answer to the gun-grabbers.

      As we’ve seen time after time, the folks who are truly converted are the ones we spend “quality time” with – and what could be better quality than range time?

      That said, when the gun-grabbers manage to get outside of their own little circle, we need to keep them honest (or at least, properly refuted and scorned) – but debating them in their own fora seems like a waste of time to me.

    5. Bubblehead Les Says:

      Hmm. I can make a Pro/Con case. Pro: The Antis are like Weeds in one’s Garden. They need to be watched, and attacked ASAP, or they’ll ruin your Plants. Con: If one spends all day in the Garden, then one isn’t cleaning the House, working on the car, etc.

      So both sides are correct. It just comes down to Time Management.

      Now back to the 9mm vs. 45ACP Debate. Everyone KNOWS that the….

    6. Weer'd Beard Says:

      John, your story sounds a lot like mine.

      Also nobody can actually debate an anti because they refuse to debate the issue.

      I read them A) Because they’re stupid and it amuses me.
      B) to expose their dishonesty for people like John or myself who might have a question on the validiy of gun control.
      C) Look at how much time CSGV has dumped into calling myself, and other bloggers who participated in the candlelight vigil.

      Ladd Everit is paid to do that, and so is Joan Peterson. Better they be doing this than talking Chuck Schumer or Carolyn McCarthy into submitting a new bill!

    7. DirtCrashr Says:

      The frog with no legs will be eaten by the crow who hops. Let the crows feast.

    8. John Smith. Says:

      You forget one thing that it does do… It torments the hell out them knowing there is at least one person that will never follow their viewpoint and that there is not a damned thing they can do about it….

    9. Seerak Says:

      So both sides are correct. It just comes down to Time Management.

      The action is at the margins. Now that the enemy is “down”, many gun bloggers can safely turn their efforts elsewhere. But not all of them will — some will continue paying attention. Those will be the ones to alert the rest of us should something new emerge from the swamps, like an articulate new speaker or a dangerous new meme that needs crushing.

      The soil of this culture remains fertile and favoring for statist movements. Until that changes, we should always remain on guard for legless frogs sprouting wings or something.

    10. John Hardin Says:

      That’s why I generally debate them (or more commonly like-minded random people) in the comments of news articles. That reaches a larger audience of more-likely-to-be-swayed readers.

    11. Jerry Says:

      Frogs with no legs, that’s Sick. Tasty, ‘though.

    Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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