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Like a piece of clothing

At the doc just a bit ago* for a follow up. He starts poking around on my abdomen and I realize I forgot to remove my Glock 30. Oddly, he didn’t notice. Or did and didn’t care.

* I apparently have a bad case of gastritis or a mild ulcer.

19 Responses to “Like a piece of clothing”

  1. Jennifer Says:

    Last time I saw my doc, he showed me his XD. I gave him Michael’s business card.

  2. SPQR Says:

    … and a plastic tumor will be noted on your med records.

  3. mikee Says:

    I once had a doc who didn’t notice 2 crushed vertebrae on an x-ray of my back, because she paid more attention to the x-ray of my much less injured knee. Docs sometimes just go through the motions when they think they know what the problem is, instead of actually verifying their diagnoses.

    Get a 2nd opinion, quick.

  4. texasaggie2005 Says:

    I did this a few weeks ago at the chiropractor’s office. The nurse was really surprised when I took my shirt off for an tension scan. Oops.

  5. Les Jones Says:

    What caliber for ulcer?

  6. bogie Says:

    Gastritis can be really painful. I had X-rays a couple of months ago to confirm gastritis (not a more major perforation). I couldn’t believe how painful that inflamation can be!

  7. dustydog Says:

    What was the outcome? Prescription, over the counter meds, change in diet, other?

  8. SayUncle Says:


  9. kirkosaurus Says:

    One time while getting an adjustment at the chiropractor I had gone from the adjustment table to face down on another table when the chiropractor taps me on the back. I look up and he’s got my spare loaded .380 magazine in his hand and whispers “I think you dropped something”. He didn’t have the slightest care in the world.

  10. Bob Owens Says:

    The only problem with Nexium is that you have to take it for a while, then you figure a few months down the road that you’re “cured” and stop taking it, and get the heartburn/ulcer/gastritis all over again a few weeks or a month later.

    Thing is, you have to try going off it every once in a while if you ever do want to be cured. It’s a PITA…

  11. comatus Says:

    I don’t want to hear one more god damned word about not needing a mechanical safety. And if my Latin were better (or more vulgate), I’d know what a real doctor calls a booger-hook. “Index mucosa”?

  12. TomcatTCH Says:

    Comatus, I don’t understand your comment.

  13. chris Says:

    Sorry you’re sick, amigo.

    I sure don’t like being poked and prodded south of the belt line.

  14. DirtCrashr Says:

    Generic Famotidine from COSTCO is what I use.

  15. Mary Says:

    Hmmm…either you really know how to carry concealed well or you need to find another doc! Or maybe both

  16. Robert Says:

    Get better soon. Good thing he didn’t poke in the wrong place.

  17. Todd S Says:


  18. Robert Says:

    BTW I was kidding about the poking. I’m sure your holster adequately covers the trigger so no worries about that.

  19. Skip Says:

    Every time I go into the exam room I lay the 1911 on top of the counter.
    Nurses come to take BP, etc. and don’t even raise an eyebrow.
    Doc comes in and we talk trap guns for awhile.
    Nice place.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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