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Cali: going as planned

Citizens of California used to lawfully carry unloaded handguns openly. Then, the legislature passed a law banning that. In response, citizens started openly carrying unloaded rifles and shotguns instead. Now, as predicted, comes a proposal to ban the open carrying of unloaded long arms.

8 Responses to “Cali: going as planned”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    Those Cali politicians sure are stupid. They are looking for a gun attack while ignoring the pit fall…

  2. Braden Lynch Says:

    When the state does go belly up financially, I wonder if they will still want to pay for stem cell research, high speed rail, and an upcoming long gun registration system. I guess the failure of it in Canada did not at all register (pun intended) with them. Nitwits and the idiot governor who signed the law.

    Why is it that Democrats have no comprehension of how economics operates? How come they cannot read the U.S. Constitution? Why is it that they cannot understand that law-abiding citizens, are well, law-abiding and do not need their firearms to be virtually prohibited.

    If I was not stuck in crazy California for some family reasons, I would be gone in a flash to Arizona.

  3. mikee Says:

    Economics is way down the list of things the Democrats care about, much lower than control and power and political party protection and movement away from anything resembling individual rights.

  4. ATLien Says:

    Sorry, I love my family, but I’d rather be free.

  5. ankle Says:

    Let’s all stand on the Cali border wearing t-shirts with pictures of guns (like the ATF shirt) and call Californians names. We’ll see if they’ll ban the open wearing of clothing depicting firearms. Just to mess with them 🙂

  6. DirtCrashr Says:

    California is what happens when a single party runs the State unopposed through gerrymander, and Teh Media stamps-out any competition of ideas.

  7. IZinterrogator Says:

    They’re going to have some real fun in court if they keep this up. I seem to recall that the ruling concerning may vs. shall issue CCW in court was that may issue was fine since open carry was allowed. Less than a month later, they banned open carry of handguns. Keep legislating your way to judicially-enacted shall issue, guys!

  8. lucusloc Says:

    @IZinterrogator im pretty sure that is the goal. get cali to tighten the nose to the point where a court has to come in and cut it off.

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