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Speaking of Wii

My son’s went tango uniform. And we could have replaced the disc drive or buy another. It was less painful and not much more expensive to just buy another. So, I have this old Wii and the disc drive works some times. Any cool ideas of what I can do with it?

15 Responses to “Speaking of Wii”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    Hack it!

  2. bluesun Says:

    You can still use it to stream Netflix (speaking of domestic future).

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    +1 to bluesun. I’d use it for streaming. The web browser is crap but works well enough and you can hook a wireless keyboard and mouse to the USB ports to make a little blog reader for a TV.

    And frankly I use my Wii a TON for Classic gaming because I’m a child of the 80s and that shit don’t die!

  4. Marty Says:


  5. ZerCool Says:


  6. HL Says:

    Freakin’ lasers!

    Actually, I think you may have posted that video long ao.

  7. Ancient Woodsman Says:

    If it gets to the point of not working reliably, the various parts from any disassembled home electronics can be used as part of a home-made “robot” costume come Halloween.

    If your boy does that sort of thing.

  8. trackerk Says:

    I usually test the ballistic stopping power of malfunctioning electronics.

  9. Whitebread Says:

    I have six Wiis with dead optical drives sitting on a shelf in my store. The Wii is so cheap now (We sell ours for $85) that it’s not worth fixing. I tried hacking one into a media center but the homebrew software available is lackluster. If you come up with something neat to do with them, let me know.

  10. NavyDoc Says:

    I think Office Space had the right idea…

    About the only way your kid will get “real” exercise with a Wii

  11. Ohio Shawn Says:

    Netflix is the way to go, I dont have cable anymore and the Wii gets me all the content I atually care to watch on the ol’ boob tube.

  12. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Opportunity for range time?

  13. yj Says:

    “Virtual Bowling”

  14. jughead Says:

    Rip the insides out and mod if for Mame (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) box, vintage fun.

  15. BoroTech Says:

    I fixed my Wii disk drive when it died. The whole drive is around $60 and the various parts that make up the drive are around $12 apiece.
    This site has tutorials on troubleshooting and repair, and also sells the parts.

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