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Every thing is tactical

Tactical vehicle visor cover.

6 Responses to “Every thing is tactical”

  1. Darren Says:

    Tactical laptop cases? You should do a review if you have a couple of them laying around. Just picked up a new laptop case for work and can’t find a decent one!

  2. Darren Says:

    Computer hats me meant to put this on the other one..

  3. John Smith. Says:

    Should be called a Testicular vehicle visor cover…

  4. Kevin Says:

    OSOE makes great quality stuff. But I paid him several hundred dollars years ago for a pack and never got it. And he doesn’t answer email about it. And I’m not alone. Makes me think that perhaps the time he spent in Club Fed was not just his ex framing him.

    So don’t buy direct from him if he has something you want, buy from someone who actually has it in stock.

  5. Lyle Says:

    For some reason that reminds me of the snazzy saddle rig that Lee Van Cleef had in For a Few Dollars More. He pulls the strings, it unravels, and it displays several firearms.

  6. Jim Says:

    It won’t keep bein’ all that “tactical”, when the weight of the damn thing wears away at the visor’s friction bushings.

    Then, that tactifool thing will be a’ floppin’ n’ failin’, every time you drive over a flattened gum wrapper or lost dime on the pavement.

    If they’re serious about a “tactical” visor wrapper, they’ll first need to come out with a retrofit, battleworthy visor mechanism with wear-compensating friction bushings and other beefed-up features.

    I won’t be the one to field test either the “before” or “after” product, but I’ll surely look forward to reading such from one more tactically qualified than m’self.

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

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