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The spin cycle

A claim that Romney is good on guns. Since he ran right out and bought his NRA life membership the first time he ran for prez, I’m unconvinced.

5 Responses to “The spin cycle”

  1. Ed Says:

    My amateur take…he’s nothing on guns. He doesn’t care. He does, however, care about winning, and knows which side of the gun issue wins (ours). At worst, he will be neutral; do nothing to advance the cause, but absolutely nothing to harm it, either. And that’s not a bad worst-case scenario. It’s a big, big plus over a second Obama term with the potential for supreme court justices like Eric Holder, Dianne Feinstein, etc.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Since I would go to Jail for owning many of the guns and equipment most of you guys own, and I live in the state he was governor of. You’re right.

    Oh BTW There’s a big crate of Mil-surplus 7.62×51 at my Dad’s house in Maine waiting for me to pick it up. Saw a good deal…but they don’t ship to Mass thanks to Stings ran by the Attorney General under Romney.

    Fuck him, I’ll vote for Obama over him. He’s the lesser of the two evils.

  3. BlueWaters Says:

    I’d trample over my grandmother to vote for Feinstein for president to get Obama and Holder out of office after the crap they tried to pull with Fast and Furious. So I would gladly go to the polls to vote for Romney on the gun issue alone, because the devil I know has to be much worse than the devil I don’t know at this point.

  4. wildbill Says:

    Romney will sign a total ban on “assault” weapons and “large” magazines first chance he gets. At best he’s a Fudd. At worst, a Schumer.

  5. matt d Says:

    wildbill – there will not be an assault weapons ban in the forseeable future. The democrats learned their lesson last time, and the republicans don’t need to.

    The only serious risk to gun rights is a retirement among the Heller 5. That would be deadly under Obama, and merely risky under Romney.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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