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Freedom is a loophole


I demand that we close the Going Wherever You Want Loophole! If we checked everyone for government issued photo ID as they walked out their front door, we could prevent sidewalks from being superhighways for criminals, but the ACLU has vowed to fight any such legislation.

OMG! Someone can go from point A to point B largely unmolested!

2 Responses to “Freedom is a loophole”

  1. HL Says:

    Its crazy…criminals can easily obtain scissors–no questions asked–AND RUN with them around the swimming pool!

  2. Mycroft Says:

    Your title reminded me of a post I made in 2009.
    In the history of mankind, poverty and slavery have been the rule. Freedom is a fairly recent innovation, hence it is a loophole.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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