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World’s most dangerous librarian

Has some competition.

6 Responses to “World’s most dangerous librarian”

  1. Dano Says:

    Gotta say, the Gunny has some epic eyebrows.

  2. breda Says:

    it’s ON.

  3. Jerry Says:

    My money is on the real one.

  4. Gerry Says:

    I shoot with two librarians at IDPA and GSSF matches.
    They’ll catalog the Gunnys butt under whoop assed.

  5. Barron Barnett Says:

    I asked Breda when I saw it yesterday if the gunny came to consult her. I haven’t heard anything back yet.

  6. mike w. Says:

    My money’s on the Tiny Menace.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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