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Romney on guns

He has a position statement on his site. Via Jacob, who notes It’s just words with no substance. So, it’s just like Romney?

7 Responses to “Romney on guns”

  1. Romney's Hair Says:

    I don’t just have substance. I have body and style.

  2. mikee Says:

    I think having someone with an absolute disinterest in firearms legislation is just fine, and a heck of a lot better than a rabid anti-gunner like our current President Fast & Furious.

    If you have Romney in office, he most likely won’t fight against or veto pro-gun legislation the Republican House and/or Senate might send him – exactly because he doesn’t care about it.

    Sometimes not caring is an OK thing.

  3. John Bolton's Mustace Says:

    Romney’s hair, I see your substance, body and style and raise you a threatening snarl.

  4. Huck Says:

    “It’s just words with no substance.”

    Yeah, that’s Romney all right.

  5. Hillary Clinton's Thighs Says:

    I’ll see your snarl and stomp off angrily, shaking things.

  6. Les Jones Says:

    Just in case he wins I registered the domain names and Someone already owned

  7. MJM Says:

    He is a Mitt late on this issue. I had noted earlier that his website Issues page was devoid of the 2A. I am not buying it. Damn the Republican Party. Damn them to some form of Democrat hell–but, the Democrats don’t believe in hell, except the one they are creating.
    But–and I choke on the words I am writing–like mikee says, if it’s between neutral and satanic, s*&!, s*&!, s*&!, I guess I will vote neutral. Damn!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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