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Modern medicine

Time to crime: 10 minutes. Wow

8 Responses to “Modern medicine”

  1. SPQR Says:

    Modern medicine? Pshaw. Got some peppers around here that will meet that time frame.

  2. HiddenHills Says:

    alcohol wipes for the keyboard……

  3. rightisright Says:

  4. John Richardson Says:

    And that’s just the beginning!

  5. 45er Says:

    Was looking for a link, then it hit me. Good luck with that.

  6. phred Says:

    Sounds like you’re just getting started.

  7. Kristopher Says:

    Avoid hot tubs …

  8. bob in Houston Says:

    Got my fingers crossed for ya that its all normal,
    I can’t help but recall this comedy routine by Dennis

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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