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Blogging in spurts

Not feeling it today. Overall, not as bad as anticipated but unpleasant enough.  I don’t think two doses were necessary but I guess the doc knows better. Second dose is worse because you know what it tastes like. First was an easy chug. Second one was a bit of a struggle.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a date.

6 Responses to “Blogging in spurts”

  1. Robert Says:

    I see what you did there. (Not literally, of course)

    This to, shall pass.

  2. Jay G. Says:

    Feel better, Unc.

  3. bluesun Says:

    I think that title was TMI.

  4. Rignerd Says:

    The pun is the lowest form of humor.

  5. Jerry Says:

    I hope you, at least, got some dinner for your trouble.

  6. CaptainVictory Says:

    Trigger discipline man, trigger discipline.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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