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Interesting take on the guns in cars bill. There’s a part of the bill banning segregated parking lots for those with permits and those without. Our side is, I think to our detriment, quick to use words like bigot and discrimination. These terms tend to turn people off.

7 Responses to ““Offensive””

  1. SGB Says:

    And some people don’t understand the terms they use.

  2. The Comedian Says:

    John Aquilino, Jr. may have been on to something.

  3. Steve in TN Says:

    Discrimination is the word to use when a business declines to hire a person when a back ground check reveals they have a carry permit… That discrimination should be unlawful.

  4. Matthew Carberry Says:

    Here’s an idea. Any time any state or local level gun rights bill is being discussed by a proponent they do their research beforehand and mention how many other states/locales have similar legislation, a fact that can be checked, and note that no problems have resulted, a less confirmable fact but strongly implied by the fact that no such legislation has ever been overturned once in place.

    Thus Keesling could have added “…identical legislation has passed in “x” states with no reported problems or action to repeal.” to her statement.

    This would immediately discredit any claims of “potential” problems on the part of the opposing voice by pointing up the fact that the “potential” has not (yet) actualized anywhere else.

    Stop fighting these things in a vacuum, those for it are for it, those against, against. The undecided’s just want reassurance it’s “no big deal”. Give it to them and then make the opponent justify why his own neighbors/public officials/law enforcement are less responsible or competent than the people in the next state over. Hammer the anti’s with that burden.

  5. Barron Barnett Says:

    Congrats, you have now informed me which cars to break in to while their employees are disarmed inside. If you carry you have to park here, so I’ll break into those cars and steal their guns since they can’t carry into work. Even better, I’ll wait until they come out from work and rob them with their own gun.

    Who the hell thinks this shit up?

  6. Sean D Sorrentino Says:

    When exercise of a constitutional right becomes a reason to discriminate, those discriminating are bigots. When we refuse to properly name the problem we can never properly address the problem.

  7. MrSatyre Says:

    So, we have to sugarcoat their bigoted discrimination so they’ll like us more?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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