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More on the fo’tay

Michael Bane has more to say on the .40S&W.

10 Responses to “More on the fo’tay”

  1. Sebastian not the blogger Says:

    .40 bashing is the new Apple bashing.

  2. SGB Says:

    I don’t understand the need to bash the .40 – it’s a solid cartridge and recoil isn’t a problem for me and many I know. It’s becoming Vogue to bash it.

  3. North and the Gun Blog Black List Says:

    I carry the .40 and am damn tired of hearing it get bashed! In fact the next person I hear bash it, I’m gonna shoot… with a 9mm because it costs less and carries more rounds… and there is less recoil…

  4. Some Guy Says:

    I do say, I’m beginning to believe that gentlemen with a weak grip prefer 9mm.

  5. Timmeehh Says:

    I respect Frank W. James’ opinion more than Bane’s.

  6. Paul Says:

    The .40 is fine to me. If the cost of the ammo is to much… RELOAD YOUR OWN.

    Simple as that.

    I’ve got carry guns in .32, .380, .38 Spl., 9mm, .357 Sig, and .40 (the .44s and .45s are just to big or kick to much.)

    Each cartridge and platform have their advantages.

    But again, the .40 isn’t bad at all.

  7. 45er Says:

    Maybe people got tired of saying 9mm wasn’t enough and they need a new horse to whip.

  8. Brad Says:

    So then, how about the .38 Super?


  9. BrokenDemocracy Says:

    Sure the .40 is good…and so was the .365 Remingtun, the 9.5mm HnK, and the .41 Winnchester…those rounds were great too but just never got popular 😛

    The .40 doesn’t fill a need anymore…and neither does the .357 Sig…but they’re here to stay because folks have a lot of $$$ wrapped up in shooting platforms.

    The market dictates reality and the .40 ain’t goin’ away…at least not in the US of A.

  10. Yiddishe Bloyger Says:

    @ BrokenDemocracy: Oh, so now we’re bashing the 357sig?


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