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Oh no you just di int

Hey, I’m the one who gives out the Gun Blog of the Year Awards. Not you.

So, right back at ya. Today’s Gun Blog of the Year goes right back to you Smoking Blunder:


Note bad for a site that is just a day old.

12 Responses to “Oh no you just di int”

  1. Luke Skywalker Says:

    It’s a major award.

  2. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    You know what they say…

    There’s a Gun Blog of the Year born every minute.

  3. Smoking Blunder Says:

    I will post the major award on the side bar tonight…

    *starts weeping*

    I never thought I would be so lucky.

  4. USCitizen Says:

    Good Choice!


  5. Jennifer Says:

    bravo! Congratulations Smoking Blunder!

  6. ExurbanKevin Says:

    In the future, everyone will be Gun Blog of the Year for fifteen minutes.

  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Actually, Gun Blog of the Year Award has more impact on my daily life than the Academy Awards do.

  8. Beaumont Says:

    I’ll award myself the Commenter of the Year award as a major award. When I announce the award, I’ll stand with my right leg out to one side.

  9. DirtCrashr Says:

    Let me know if you need another box of awards, or let Robb know and then I can copy his!

  10. Old NFO Says:

    Love it! 🙂 And yeah, that one wins the Intarwebz…

  11. Anon Says:

    Reading the “about” section there seems to be some sense in the madness… SmokeAndThunder-style sense that is (The latter site is best ignored and left to wither away…) But it would have been better to get permission from those being referred to. Oh well … plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose…

  12. Smoking Blunder Says:

    @Anon, Hi Mike, I see you fixed your “hacked” problem.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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