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Where Great Britain Used To Be

Health & safety officials ban hot drinks – from a COFFEE morning

7 Responses to “Where Great Britain Used To Be”

  1. HL Says:

    When government pays for your healthcare, everything you do that could result in medical treatment becomes their business.

  2. mikee Says:

    I never once thought of serving caffeinated beverages, let alone scalding hot coffee, to my kids when they were toddlers! What were these moms thinking, having a “Coffee and Play” meeting once a week for 5 years running! Small children, hopped up on a scalding cup o’ Joe, racing about in an insane frenzy whilst the moms chatted – insanity!

    Oh, wait – it was the MOMS who had the coffee while the kids played? I’d tell the .gov to effoff.

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    No wonder Scotland wants to Dissolve the Union.

  4. Jeffersonian Says:

    To the nanny staters in G.B.

    “And the horse you rode in on.”

  5. junyo Says:

    Great, then I’ll have a nice, cold, bruise healing beer. For the children.

  6. nk Says:

    It seems to me that the Children’s Centers are not private concerns but instead public institutions, so the council is perfectly within its rights and it’s the “mums” who are welfare-leeching nannystaters.

  7. steve Says:

    Something to note with the british press. Never trust a website where the third link down is “captain crunch”!!

    Also, that is the sun newspaper, which is essentially Rupert Murdoch’s soft core porn enterprise (page 3)

    Always check your sources please, we’re not all that bad

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