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You’re too stupid and must be cared for

People aren’t smart enough for democracy to flourish, so says some Cornell scientist.

12 Responses to “You’re too stupid and must be cared for”

  1. SGB Says:

    He’s correct if he uses Cornell students as a test group.

  2. Jack Says:

    Aristocracy is so very tempting to those that want to rule.

    Not only do you get fancy titles and nice food, houses, and plenty of servants, but you can sleep easy with the satisfaction that you’re doing your part to make society just and it’s all for their own good.

    If the public at large is too dumb to “flourish” then naturally they need their social and intellectual betters to tend and care for them. Like flowers in a garden or livestock on a farm.

  3. Dogzard Says:

    Good thing we are a democracy, but a constitutional republic.

  4. Phenicks Says:

    Dogzard I think means, we, in the USA, are NOT a democracy, but a constitutional republic.

  5. Jake Says:

    Aristocracy is so very tempting to those that want to rule.

    Unfortunately, it’s also tempting to a large number of people who don’t want to be bothered with personal responsibility. And they can all vote, if they can be bothered.

  6. wildbill Says:

    At least 60% of the US population is too stupid to be entrusted with “the vote”. Half the remainder is suspect. One should have to take a test, and pass, before being allowed to vote. We are rapidly becoming a 3rd world nation because the lowest IQs are encouraged to reproduce, and immigrate, and allowed to determine the direction of the country. An enlightened electorate would reject most curret politicians, although there really aren’t many competent replacements willing to serve.

  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    We tried that “Philosopher-King” of Plato’s once as I recall. Shall we look at Woodrow Wilson’s Record?

  8. Cantankerous Coonass Says:

    On the recent evidence in America, he’s right.

  9. jim Says:

    Well, I can only hope we have an elite class that understands the weakness of democracy. Maybe they could manipulate the stupid haf of america into voting the agenda of the elites…

    Oh, wait…

  10. JKB Says:

    I’d say we’re to educated. The stupidest people seems to have the masters and peckerhead degrees. The best leader isn’t necessarily the smartest in the room, he’s the guy who knows how to herd the brainiacs. And knows when to ignore their “nuanced” advice.

  11. emdfl Says:

    Personally I think a lot of these problems could be solved by a simple action; if you don’t pay INCOME TAXES you don’t get to vote.

  12. Garrett Lee Says:


    A revised suggestion. If you pay more in taxes (all taxes, not just income) than you receive from the federal government back, then you get to vote. This would seem to be a better system to my mind. (Of course, this does produce problems too – does a government employee get to vote? What if you work for Lockheed Martin on a government contract?) But in my mind, if you pay into the system, you get a vote on how it’s spent. If you don’t, you don’t.

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