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Random thing seen on road

Odd bumper sticker:

21 Responses to “Random thing seen on road”

  1. DAD Says:

    Male or female driver?

  2. Breda Says:

    I <3 my Sriracha sauce too!

  3. SayUncle Says:

    No sauce!

  4. SPQR Says:

    That reminds me of a joke …

  5. PT Says:

    I heart my rooster? Its almost like he’s trying to imply he likes poultry!

  6. DAD Says:

    FYI another word for rosters is “cock” again male or female driver? If male do not make eye contact.

  7. JKB Says:

    What ever happened to privacy? As in TMI or DADT.

  8. DirtCrashr Says:

    Poultry Porn!

  9. Critter Says:


  10. Blake Says:

    Must have been in East Tennessee.

  11. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I was asking a gay friend of mine what he thought of the whole transgender thing. His answer:

    “I love my penis, and I touch it daily.”

    heh, Me too!!!

  12. HL Says:

    University of South Carolina Gamecocks.

  13. John Smith. Says:

    I love my fighting cock????

  14. Jay G. Says:

    SayUncle was behind Larry Flynt?

  15. TIM Says:

    Maybe He Or She Works For Kentucky Fried.

  16. The Chicken Says:

    It’s like a nightmare, yet I cannot wake up.

  17. SGB Says:

    See it a lot in South Carolina. The fifth rate university in Columbia uses a chicken as their mascot because chickens intimidate the hell out of grade point averages.

  18. JScottNH Says:

    I have the best fridge magnet ever that says “I <3 MY PENIS"…

  19. Jerry Says:

    Why did the pervert cross the road?

  20. Crotalus Says:

    “I love my rooster”?? Then my mental thesaurus kicked in. “D’oh!”

  21. Ambulance Driver Says:

    I’m kinda partial to mine, too.

    Never considered putting it on a bumper sticker, though…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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