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Zombie school

A class at Michigan State on surviving the zombie apocalypse. That almost makes me want to get another Masters degree.

5 Responses to “Zombie school”

  1. PT Says:

    Glad to see my alma mater is providing this necessary training.

  2. MHinGA Says:

    Moo U lives up to its rep as an institution.

    No, I didn’t leave out “of higher learning” by accident.

    Just kidding, PT. Kind of.

  3. comatus Says:

    One thing State can say that Bipple’s Repooblik of AnnArbor cannot: J. Michael O’Connor, Rifle Coach.

    Bring it.

  4. Jeff from DC Says:

    Zombie Killer beats a bullshit art history degree any day of the week. Im talking to you, Occupy.

    Im not knocking higher education, just the people that drop serious coin on their “passion,”and then bitch because their passion doesnt land them an entry level high six figure salary.

  5. comatus Says:

    No, see, Jeff, the Spartans only get the regular art history. For the “bullshit art history degree,” you have to go to that other town. It costs more, too.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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