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Google obsessing

An interesting read:

Google’s Obsession With Facebook Is Wrecking The Company, Says This Former Engineer

Their attempt to make everything social is failing. I played around on G+ for a couple of weeks and it just wasn’t good.

7 Responses to “Google obsessing”

  1. TomcatTCH Says:


  2. JKB Says:

    So Google has picked up the social disease?

    How long before we taxpayers are expected to pay for their protection?

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Maybe they should Obsess on Admitting that their New Privacy Policy is just a Cover for Corporate Trolling. Ever try to Delate GMail on your Mobile Phone? “Sorry, we at Google need to MONITOR your Traffic so as to better serve you with Tailored Ads, and you can’t clear it out.”

    Really getting Tired of having to go to my Home Computer every day to free up Space on my Droid Phone.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    I think one of the problems is they are local to each other in side-buy-side towns, and each Nerd-clot is looking over the cubicle wall wondering what they can do to be popular with the Jocks and Sosh’s who have the BIG bucks and run the Venture Capital firms up on Sand Hill Road.
    Faceboogers may get IPO-wealthy and buy a house in Palo Alto, but it’s still not an estate in Atherton or Portola Valley – those are a quantum leap apart…

  5. Social Media Sebastian Says:

    Really getting Tired of having to go to my Home Computer every day to free up Space on my Droid Phone.

    Yeah, just like on my iPhone. Oh wait…nope, don’t have that problem. 🙂

    (ducks and runs)

  6. TomcatTCH Says:

    To further elaborate, a meltdown of google would make me a happy man. It couldn’t happen to a nicer company.

  7. DirtCrashr Says:

    Is THAT how gMail works on a phone? With Avertising??? I’d be gone so fast the earth would spin the wrong way. As it is I have a stupid phone and feel fine. No ads no headache no f*ing internet.

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