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This will count toward justifying its use

Playing paintball at church brings out the SWAT team.

6 Responses to “This will count toward justifying its use”

  1. Robert Says:

    That’s an airsoft gun, not a paintball gun. I wish they wouldn’t insult paintball players by conflicting the two, but you know, this is the MSM we’re talking about.

  2. Oddball Says:

    @Robert: You sure about that? There’s a lot of paintball guns dressed up to look like the real thing these days. Looking at the picture, I think I can see where the paintball hopper goes, and definitely see where the compressed air canister goes. Both of those are typically not seen on airsoft guns.

    This isn’t the same model, but an example of something damn close:

  3. Dave Says:

    Yes, its a paintball gun

    Nothing like the police sending a unit by to actually VERIFY the call before deploying the SWAT team. My kids wanna get into airsoft, but the reality is that they’ll most likely get shot by local SWAT when playing in the woods when someone calls about the “threat”.

  4. John Smith. Says:

    Airsoft guns tend to look like real guns. That does not look like a real gun…

  5. Ted N Says:

    That’s why I move mine in el-cheapo cases. I hate having to hide my hobbies, but such is the nanny state.

  6. Robert Says:

    The orange tip in the picture threw me off. Never seen a paintball gun with one.

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