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When you thought the ridiculousness couldn’t get any more ridiculous

Remember that double barrel 1911? Well, imagine it in 38 super. When’s the 10mm version due? Or a .50!

6 Responses to “When you thought the ridiculousness couldn’t get any more ridiculous”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    Are you intentionally trying to nauseate me…

  2. The Duck Says:

    How about the mixed caliber model? 38 super and 45 in one??

  3. Bob Owens Says:

    I’m holding out for the 950 JDJ version, with the shoulder thing that goes up.

  4. chris Says:

    This will be popular in Mexico.

  5. snoopycomputer Says:

    More and more this seems like a long drawn out April Fools Joke.
    Well, at least we can hope.

  6. Chris L. Says:

    I don’t care I WANT!!!! 45 ACP of course

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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