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Ten years

Today, I’ve been married to my wife for a decade. It feels much longer. I kid. But, seriously, where does the time go?

Happy anniversary!

43 Responses to “Ten years”

  1. North and the Gun Blog Black List Says:

    10 years, but if you factor in the wind chill it feels like 15.


    (The lovely Mrs. North and I are going on 25 in a few months.)

  2. Jerry Says:

    Congrats, here’s to many more.

  3. guffaw Says:

    (the answer to your question)

  4. Oliver Perry Says:

    I tell my wife, “Gosh it seems like just yesterday we met and fell in love. And we all know what a crappy day yesterday was…”

  5. Robb Allen Says:

    Just celebrated 11 years with my wife a few weeks ago.

    My father likes to say he got married by a justice of the peace but should have had a jury instead.

  6. DirtCrashr Says:


  7. wkeller Says:

    Congrats sir – enjoy the day!! Heck, you’re still pushing the “newlywed” side – Mrs. Bill and I will hit 40 years the middle of August – hard to believe, even as I type it out! You have lots of great years coming – live and love each and every one!

  8. Ted N Says:


  9. Wing and A Whim Says:

    Congratulations to both of you!

  10. The Duck Says:

    Hope you make it a couple of more decades, cheers

  11. Lee Says:

    Congratulations! …but don’t get cocky 😉
    May you have many, many more.
    (we will celebrate 27 years this May)

  12. Tirno Says:

    Reached 10 years with my wife last summer.

    Lots more to go.

  13. Kevin Baker Says:

    So, how many years has your wife been happily married? 😉

    My wife and I are coming up on our 17th anniversary. No one is more amazed than I.

  14. Jay G. Says:

    Congrats Unc and the woman who puts up with him!

    This August will be 16 years for me and the Mrs.

  15. Rustmeister Says:


  16. Leatherwing Says:


  17. RWC Says:

    Happy Anniversary Unc and better half.

  18. mikee Says:

    If you follow your usual posting style, this will be the first post seen by visitors to your site for the entire weekend. I see what you did there….

    And a warning: The years speed by faster as more of them pass. So (1.) take lots of pictures and (2.) hold on tight.

  19. BobG Says:

    Congratulations! I’ve been married over 38 years, and have never had any regrets.

  20. ken Says:

    Congrats brother, my wife and i are coming up on one year, and i know we’ll make a decade no problem

  21. Rick Says:

    Congratulations and many more to you.

  22. Aaron Spuler Says:

    It’ll be 9 for us in August. Have a long ways to go yet still when compared to my grandparents — they were married for 64 years before grandma died.

  23. Borepatch Says:


  24. Hartley Says:

    Congratulations! Like Mikee sez, take lots of pictures – it’ll be 20 before you know it…

  25. Dann in Ohio Says:

    Congrats… sounds like you’ve got a great gal there…

    Dann in Ohio

  26. 4strokes Says:

    Congrats Unc ! May you enjoy each other for decades to come!

  27. UpTheIrons Says:

    Congratulations, Uncle (and Mrs. Uncle, too!)!

    My wife and I celebrated 20 years last December, and I can honestly say that it sure doesn’t seem like that much time has passed. Here’s to many more for you both!

  28. The N.U.G.U.N. Blog Says:

    Congrats….I hit 6 in a few months.

    Open to advice?

  29. MJM Says:

    Wonderful news, and congratulations are in order. It is not easy, particularly these days. Lots working against couples.

  30. Old NFO Says:

    Happy Anniversary to you and your lovely wife! Hope you took her out to a ‘nice’ dinner! 🙂

  31. jefferson101 Says:

    You made a good choice of days to be married. Today was mine too.

    39 here, but we all get there eventually, assuming that we stay married. I got lucky enough to find a lady who could put up with my strange obsessions with firearms and stuff like that, and occasionally joins in on the party.

    All it takes is time, and we will last as long as we live, around here. Here’s hoping that y’all do too. It’s never easy, but it always beats the alternatives.

  32. 45er Says:

    Happy Anniversary. I’m happy to see more people I know working to make it work. That makes me happy. Congrats!

  33. AZ Fortune Cookie Says:

    Congratulations! You just reminded me that it’s my parents’ wedding anniversary today, too. They’ve been married for 27 years, and Mom doesn’t look a day older.

  34. Mr_Rich Says:

    I have always expressed my length of wedded bliss in dog years. We are coming up on 175 this year.

    I’m lucky my wife laughs at this otherwise it would probably seem longer.


  35. MSgt B Says:


  36. John Farrier Says:

    Happy anniversary!

  37. Linoge Says:

    Conga-rats and all that :).

  38. alanstorm Says:

    Congrats! 22 years in August, and she’s still the sexiest wench I know…

  39. Yep, it's That Guy Says:

    “It feels much longer.”

    Is that what she said?

  40. Andrew Says:


    Now buy her a new gun!

  41. Countertop Says:


    We are about to hit 14 here.

  42. Todd S Says:

    Congrats! 10 years of your life you will never get back;)

  43. Jennifer Says:

    Congratulations! May you always share in each other’s adventures. That’s how we’ve made it 13 years and counting.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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