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Lesson learned


13 Responses to “Lesson learned”

  1. El Bombardero Says:

    wasn’t that picture a mug shot though? from when he assaulted a police officer?

  2. SGB Says:

    Good point.

  3. Brick Says:

    Most of East Tennessee has made bad decisions then. Just about everyone is wearing orange on Saturdays in the fall.

  4. mikee Says:

    Ditto the students and alumni of the University of Texas, here in Austin. Theirs is supposedly “burnt orange” however, which used top be close to the San Francisco bridge color but has changed more and more with the passing years to look like late-Fall leaves to me.

    Of course, the TAMU Aggie maroon has changed from dark red to almost purple over the same time span, so either both schools have similarly-minded marketing departments or my eyes are doing strange things.

  5. Jake Says:

    And Virginia Tech (when not wearing maroon). Especially on “Orange Effect” game days.

    Common description heard on the police channels: “White male wearing blue jeans and an orange shirt.” The usual comment from the peanut gallery is something along the lines of “Well that narrows it down.”

  6. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    “wasn’t that picture a mug shot though? from when he assaulted a police officer?”

    Zimmerman had been arrested in 2005 at a UCF-area bar and charged with resisting arrest without violence. He completed a pretrial-diversion program, meaning the case was officially dropped, and he wound up with no conviction on his record. It’s not clear when, but police did check Zimmerman’s criminal record and know about that arrest.

  7. Matthew Carberry Says:

    On the previous “resisting arrest” dropped charge being used to claim a “violent criminal past” which would justify his arrest in this case; the folks calling for it would mostly, I assume, not wish such goose sauce for all the OWS ganders, busted and released on the same charge, who might interact with police on uncertain terms again in the future.

    But, logical consistency…

  8. MAJ Mike Says:

    I might add that any photos in a unicorn costume or a naughty nurse outfit are similiarly a bad idea.

  9. Beaumont Says:

    Of course, Rustmeister is probably a Tiger High fan, or worse, a Razorback fan, so he doesn’t realize how inapplicable that statement is in his home state.

  10. Beaumont Says:

    @MAJ Mike: it depends on just who is wearing the naughty nurse costume.

  11. bobby Says:

    As I said over there … or make sure that you’re booking photo looks like Tom Delay’s …

  12. Kristopher Says:

    One other thing … Zimmerman is a registered Democrat, and had probably voted for Obama:

    Priceless …

  13. Jerry Says:

    Just one more reason to vote better.

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