Pro gun song
Madison Rising releases Right To Bear.
Man’s Life Alert triggered, police show up to help and end up killing him.
There’s just something that tingles the inner redneck part of my brain when I see a Cummins turbo diesel do a quarter in 9 seconds:
At Run by a friend of mine with good taste in whiskey, check it out.
The Apple hate is strong with this one. All manner of products are made from cheap Chinese labor so not sure why Apple is targeted there.
Funny how this works:
More than half of Obama’s 47 biggest fundraisers, those who collected at least $500,000 for his campaign, have been given administration jobs. Nine more have been appointed to presidential boards and committees.
Why, it’s like they’re buying influence. And Tam on Eric Holder:
How ’bout all those shiny new tools Eric & Co. found in the shed when they got the keys to 1600, eh? Good thing they were only for use against terrorists!
It’s not going away because lobbying for marijuana prohibition makes lobbyists rich. And follow the money:
Some of the groups who want to keep the drug illegal are police unions that want more members to pay more dues. One of the primary sources for cash for more policing activities are Federal grants for penalizing illegal drug use, which help pay for overtime, additional police officers, and equipment for the force. That’s what Lovell does, he gets those grants. He also fights against democratic mechanisms to legalize drugs.
There’s a bill in Tennessee, a companion to the bill saying employers can’t prohibit you from keeping a gun in your car in their parking lot, stipulates that an employer may not discriminate against gun owners. That is, they can’t discriminate against you if they find out you own guns.
The Volkswagen and FedEx security chiefs testified against the bills. Their testimony is mostly crap.
Veteran arrested and pleas in DC because he had ammo in his bag. Having ammo isn’t a crime in America. In DC, it is.
Not for the squeamish, but here’s video of a bank robber with a hostage having his brains introduced to the light of day by a police sniper.
We do not measure ourselves against the deeds of others, but against our own principles of what is good, decent, and necessary. This is because any other approach is merely a race to find who can find the skankiest bit of mud in the manure pile.
Politichicks do a bit on guns. I’m happy they like their guns. I’m unhappy that they whip one out, start waving it around and pointing it in bad directions. Starts at about the 3:00 mark:
But not while being employed for a felon. Seems that may restrict some prominent folks from having bodyguards.
Cost $50K and the statistic is a lie. But Joe is glad they’re hastening their financial demise.
That may be my new term for describing what’s happening. And this: America is basically run by dead people: We elect new representatives, but continue on with policy from decades ago. To go forward, Congress needs to confront the past.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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