Archive for March, 2012

March 05, 2012

Android App Recommendation

AirDroid. Pretty slick. Lets you manage your droid from your PC over wifi. This includes market, apps and you can even text right from your machine. Very handy to have.

A victory in MD

May (or may not) issue permits struck down.

Excellent work, Mr. Gura.

Josh Horwitz thinks you’re a terrorist

Civil discourse:

Open Carry is instead a political statement in the best tradition of John Wilkes Booth, Timothy McVeigh, Sharron Angle and Ted Nugent.

Yes, Josh Horwitz lumped Nugent and Angle in with a murderer and a terrorist. What a loon.

His whole screed is this notion that it’s easier to buy and carry a gun than to vote. And that is nonsense.

How do you expect them to get good at shooting?

Range Master cracks down on guy shooting AR-15 telling him he needs to have 3 seconds between shots. Obviously, he’s a zombie hoard sympathizer.

Jeanne Assam update

Jeanne Assam, the heroic woman who shot a mass shooter at the New Life Church, has a website and a book for sale. She’s also looking for a job in law enforcement and having a tough time of it. So, if you know of anyone, help her out. And buy her book.

Serious Interview

SGB interviews Michael from The Holster Site.

Product review

Uncle Mike’s Instructor’s Belt and GunVault BreechVault

Speaking of ATF determinations

A look at sporting purposes.

Having visitors a crime

Crime to Negligently Let Someone Stay in Your Home, Where You Have a Gun That the Visitor Knows About

AOW Determinations

More thoughts here.

Welcome to America

Folks from Where Great Britain Used To Be upset that you can shoot machine guns in Vegas.

Ignorance of the law

In New Orleans, city employees will have traffic camera tickets forgiven because the city didn’t tell the employees that speeding was illegal. Shouldn’t they have known that?

Quote of the Day


What do you do during that long moment between when you realize the life of your family is in jeopardy and when the cops actually show up?

Me? I do a press check.

SayUncle likes this

My Glock Like Button Shirt from ENDO Apparel.

When Oleg visits, a lot of my clothing ends up on half naked women.

Gun Porn

Merwin & Hulbert 2nd Model 1876 Frontier Army

Piglet. I may have gone with Siglet.

I felt the same way about the PM9. I shot it well for a small gun. And it fits the hand nicely.

Skat GM-100 Glock Clone in 9mm and .22LR

March 04, 2012

AK short sight radius

Not any more, with Tech Sights.


No, not the hippie tree-hugging kind. The useful kind.

Yeah, pretty much

Why I don’t like Santorum.

Quick, to the twitter signal

The US wants us to test using twitter to catch bad guys.

Future gun owner


So, when?

Obviously, there is a huge difference between incivility and putting people in ovens. But when does one become concerned? I’d hope it’s closer to the start than the end. Dehumanization is the way these things have historically started and noting that is not hysterical.

Update: For instance, how easily do you think this twit could be convinced it’s OK to send police door to door looking for gun owners?

Another push for safety equipment

This time, in Texas:

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission is considering a rule that would allow the use of suppressors, which reduce the muzzle report much like a muffler dampens car noise, to be expanded for hunting game animals, game birds and alligators. Similar legislative efforts are under way in Arizona, Indiana, Oklahoma and Georgia.

You know, I’ve seen these bills getting pushed a lot lately and not a peep from the anti-gunners. I wonder what their thoughts are? I mean, other than ZOMG GUNS ARE BAD!!11one.

A river in Egypt

Shills still pushing the myth of declining gun ownership.

March 03, 2012

If the press reported fairy tales


Overzealous administrator or bad reporting?

In this post on a school system suspending a student for making a gun video, comes an update from comments:

At the end of the video, he says something about another student, then holds up his middle fingers and says that is for one person in his class.

If the kid made a specific threat, then I don’t think the school is overreacting. Bad reporting and not showing the youtube video lead to misconceptions.

Lie back and think of England

DC Deputy Mayor Paul Quander thinks it’s better for everyone if you just be a victim:

“The problem is, if you are armed, it escalates the situation,” Mr. Quander told residents. “It is much better, in my opinion, to be scared, to be frightened, and even if you have to be, to be injured, but to walk away and survive. You’ll heal, and you can replace whatever was taken away.”

What if they want to take your child?

Not their strong suit

Logic, that is.

NPR on the AK12

Will it be as popular as the AK47?

Lone Wolf Limited Slide

Impressive, though I’m not sure if one should put that on a gun or Harley Davidson pipes.


The science is settled! We just fake it for your own good.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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