Archive for March, 2012

March 16, 2012

Youtube firearm videos

Caleb looks at the good, the bad and the ZOMG. I did get a chuckle out of the bit on exploitative videos. Because, you know.

Reviews: A review

Over at Vuurwapen blog, a critique of the press release disguised as a gun review. This is a bit annoying but, apparently, it’s a successful blog model to reprint press releases and stock photos because enough people do it.

Robb on what makes it a review. More from Jay.

Here, I’ve done my share of reviews. I mean the real kind, not the stock photo and spec sheet. And you can tell that they’re real reviews. And I’ve also linked to the types of reviews Vurrwapen mentions. I do that if it’s a product that I think is interesting. Or if I’m making fun, like when I say Oh, look a slightly different XD or Look, another 1911.

The state of gun control in Canada

By our friend, Solomon Friedman.

Gun confiscation case dismissed

5th circuit says:

In its majority opinion, a three-judge panel from the 5th Circuit said some regulation of firearms falls outside the reach of the Second Amendment, just as obscenity and defamation aren’t protected as free speech by the First Amendment.

“The right protected by the Second Amendment is not a property-like right to a specific firearm, but rather a right to keep and bear arms for self-defense,” Judge Rhesa Hawkins Barksdale wrote.

NSSF to Fox: Reinstate firearms ads

The NSSF wants you to contact Fox and tell them that banning firearms ads is bad business.

Deal Alert

Stanley Kubrick Collection for $60

Also, a free month of Amazon Prime. The shipping savings alone make it worth it, much less the video and other benefits.

CrimsonTrace LightGuard Review

A review from Tom

Today, as SayUncle’s most clicked link

The 100 hottest women of all time

Because that’s what I want in a president

Rick Santorum to crack down on the scourge of internet porn. Yes because that’s what we need in modern times. Another big .gov initiative making criminals out of consenting adults.

MD Update

MD state police stop fingerprinting. Makes you wonder why?

L.A. woman commits suicide with chainsaw, police say

Just trying to figure out the mechanics involved.

Oh and if we banned guns, there’d be no suicide, remember.

Meanwhile, on Fantasy Island

Gun control would eliminate child deaths!

Explaining the important stuff

Why It’s a Small World After All is so annoying.

Gun Porn

Hey, KoolAid



I like it in the middle

March 15, 2012

No discrimination against gun owners

TN had a proposed law addressing that. Looks like it’s catching on as Missouri has one in the works:

Legislation that would make it illegal for employers to discriminate against people because they own or use guns overwhelmingly passed the Missouri House before lawmakers left for spring break.

I know that gun activists are winning but some of these laws, like this one, have me wondering if it’s getting taken too far.


Doesn’t the NOW logo kind of look like an iron?


The DC police lie about the gun laws. Also, if you are transporting your gun to the range there, you’re OK. If you stop to get gas, eat or use the bathroom, then you are breaking the law.


A performance clothing line from Glock.

Nothing says trust like disarming you

Soldiers in A-stan asked to disarm during Panetta speech.

OC is OK

Oklahoma senate passes open carry provision.

Another kel-tec clone?

The Hellcat .380.

Proof by vigorous assertion

Facts. I do not think it means what they think it means.

We must ban knives

Mass stabbing in Ohio: Man with 3 knives stabs 4 in Columbus office building

Google obsessing

An interesting read:

Google’s Obsession With Facebook Is Wrecking The Company, Says This Former Engineer

Their attempt to make everything social is failing. I played around on G+ for a couple of weeks and it just wasn’t good.

Best home defense cartridge

The .223?

Use a holster

A three year old boy fatally shot himself when his father put his handgun under the seat to go pump gas.

Even though it doesn’t happen

100 Groups Ask EPA to End Wildlife Poisoning From Lead Hunting Ammunition. They keep trying.

Best survival caliber?

The 22LR? I could see the use for a good 22LR and would take it along. But if I were limited to one gun, that would not be it.

The new civility

Pew reports: On line, liberals least tolerant of ideas that aren’t exactly like theirs. Shocking, I know. The echo chamber doesn’t like it when the tune changes.

Vanderbough recovering

David has an update on Mike’s procedure.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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