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On hoodies

They do restrict your situational awareness.

3 Responses to “On hoodies”

  1. Secret Squirrel Says:

    Man, Mr. Perez has some moves. I wish I had a manager that would take people down with a level on my behalf (or on behalf of his money, but it comes to the same thing).

    I’m always amazed by people that choose to go through life in condition white — hoodie up, headphones in, yakking on the cellphone. I don’t even like wearing a rainjacket hood in the rain for that reason.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Most of my jackets have Hoods attached, but they only go up in inclement Weather, for protection FROM the Weather.

    But I’d rather have a Hood on my Clothes than an Umbrella in my hands. Got enough trouble when I HAVE to use my Cane. Damn Old Knees!

  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    If you wear glasses hoods are a real pain, you have to turn your shoulders not just your head or the hood grabs them, pushes on them.

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