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Cops face decades in prison for Katrina shootings

9 Responses to “Good”

  1. mariner Says:

    They should face a firing squad, but this is better than nothing.

    Why should we pay for these scumbags to continue drawing breath?

  2. nk Says:

    Don’t take pleasure in anyone going to prison, but yes, good.

  3. Tam Says:

    I suppose a meat windchime was too much to ask for, so I’ll settle for this.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    The whole Only-Ones clusterf*k has to end, but they were Cops from a city with a long history of corruption.

  5. Jeff Says:

    I don’t really understand what would compel officers to think it was okay to shoot people on a bridge. I operate under the wishful thinking assumption that DC will someday sink back into the swamp, but never in a million years would I think that a National Emergency gives me carte blanch to shoot people. Alpha male complex or not, you should really know better than to think you can pick people off and then have a coke.

  6. Lyle Says:

    “…Justice Department’s push to clean up the troubled New Orleans Police Department.”

    “Troubled” police department? We can still use the term “deeply corrupt” can’t we?

    So what will be the take-away here, for the police– to make sure they don’t get cought next time?

  7. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Murder is illegal for agents of the Marxist state? How can that be? It’s certainly not common communist sense. Traditionally, Marxist government agents can get away with anything. It’s one of the perks of being a good commie. Look at all the stuff that Comrade President Obama has pulled! All those victims of Fast and Furious aren’t even breathing any more, and he’s just merrily running for re-election without a hint of controversy from our Marxist media. See? It pays be a good communist.”

  8. mariner Says:

    Right, the JUSTICE DEPT is going to clean up New Orleans.

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  9. Spencer Says:

    +1 Mariner. Line them up, they betrayed there community and should be set example of.

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