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Mexican president calls for US ban on assault weapons.

20 Responses to “No”

  1. Tam Says:

    “Mexican president attempts to sabotage Obama’s reelection.”

    C’mon Dems, take a big ol’ slurpy lick of that third rail. I double dog dare you. Give all the people who were gonna sit this one out an excuse to get up off the couch and go vote against you.

  2. Ron W Says:

    If he has a problem with them, let the Mexican president get rid of his “assault weapons”. Otherwise his opinion means NOTHING here!!

  3. Jake Says:

    If he’s worried about “assault” weapons being smuggled into Mexico from the US, he should be calling on Obama to ban the ATF. It would be far more effective.

  4. bluesun Says:

    American Citizen Calls for Mexico to Ban Drug Cartels.

  5. Drake Says:

    Bugger him in the ass with a pike.

  6. Ron W Says:


    He didn’t complain about “fast and furious” because that’s part of an agenda to provide a pretext for an “assault weapons” ban. Obama likes for Calderon to visit and lecture us for the tyranny Barry wants to impose on us.

    Yes! The ATF needs to be banned because there are NO “delegated powers” the things in its acronym!

  7. Rob Says:

    Why don’t we negotiate with him? I bet he would settler for Banning the Sale of Automatic weapons to drug cartels by the Federal government.

  8. Rob Says:


  9. Top of the Chain Says:

    I propose a permanent ban on foreign powers calling to restrict on folks civil rights.

  10. comatus Says:

    That’s not an implied threat. That’s an actual threat. Most Favored Nation status is just wasted on some people. He’s daring you to invade. (3)Profit!

  11. Bubblehead Les Says:

    “From the Halls of Montezuma…”

  12. Jack Says:

    I think the Dems might just give that rail a bit old lick.

    They’ve been kicking at Seperation of Powers and the Courts and blaming Social Darwinists and SYG and even Biden’s been complaining about CCW itself.

    As the echo chamber morphs into more and more of a bunker mentality… I’m sure we’ll see more crazy coming out.

    Maybe we’ll seethe dems to give an open and full throated defense of Eugenics, again.

  13. Ron W Says:

    Mexico has been invading the U.S. for some time–given “aid and comfort” by the “treason” of successive administrations…one of the many things about which there has been NO change.
    Note: The words in quotations come from Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution.

  14. £…€%\& Says:

    Dear Presidente Cabron,

    Come’ verga pendejo.

  15. Secret Squirrel Says:

    What’s Spanish for “come at me, bro”?

  16. ATLien Says:

    I wish we had a president that would say, “Hey Flip, instead of demanding we ban weapons, how ’bout you suck it?”

    That would be glorious.

  17. Ted N Says:

    “Go fuck yourself,” needs to get used more often in diplomatic situations. Preferably all situations.

  18. Ron W Says:


    Well, we need a President who doesn’t want to disarm us like Caldron does. Since his country has and is being allowed to invade ours, he maight as well tell us what to do.


  19. Matthew Carberry Says:

    He -did- complain about Fast and Furious, just like Canada’s Harper complained about Obama blocking Keystone and blocking both Mexico and Canada from entering the Trans-Pacific trade agreement.

    The US press just isn’t reporting it to protect him.

  20. Paul Says:

    Just tell Mexico after the elections we will send Obama and Holder to Mexico IN CHAINS for prosecution.

    And furthermore we will stop all guns going across into Mexico, using a good LONG and TALL fence with guard dogs, mines, ground sensors, UAVs, etc… and not one gun will get across (nor drugs, nor illegals, nor anything else.)

    Simple, no?

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