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Gun negligence, accident, and malfunction video compilation

There are a few that are malfunctions. But a basic trend in this video is to give someone who is not prepared (usually a small woman) a weapon with a lot of recoil, then not tell them how to properly shoot it, and watch them get hurt. Yeah, that’s funny. And not going to convert those people to the shooting sports.

Also, don’t stick the pistol grip pump up to your face.

18 Responses to “Gun negligence, accident, and malfunction video compilation”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    I know guys who load their ammo extremely hot just for such purposes…

  2. SGB Says:

    Way to win new converts to firearms.

  3. Chris from AK Says:

    Also note that 4/5 or more of the doofuses aren’t wearing ear protection. Go figure, apparently my ear pro doesn’t just protect my hearing, it must keep my brains from leaking out too.

  4. Secret Squirrel Says:

    Just say no to PGO shotguns.

  5. CTD Says:

    Wow. Some horrific levels of negligence on display there. I was particularly disturbed by the number of folks who dropped the weapon, then had someone catch it. When I take first-timers to the range, one of the first things I tell them is that if they lose control of the gun, just let it drop. It’s orders of magnitude safer than trying to catch it.

  6. Barron Barnett Says:

    I carry a .22 when going to the range always for these purposes. If I can stop it in advance I try. But if I come in on the aftermath, woman scouling at the man responsible, I politely just ask, “What happened?”

    At which point I listen to yet another version of the all too familiar story. At which point I inform her shooting is actually fun and try and convince her to pick up my .22. If I’m successful I will have salvaged a potential new shooter to the shooting sports. If the wife is with me, I cut her loose on getting the person interested.

    I’ve seen small women handed 44 mag off the bat and they’re just scared away thinking every gun is going to feel the same way. Nothing makes me angrier when I see it. Worst part is, attempting to intervene to prevent the incident the individuals causing said incident are likely to make the situation less that comfortable until they complete their goal. You also don’t want to try and shield someone who actually knows what they’re doing either.

  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Yeah, and there’s a bunch of them, and they all seem to have the Ladies in Scantily Clad Clothing, also. It’s the Howard Stern/Jackass Branch of the Gun Culture who are doing this. Sad.

  8. DirtCrashr Says:

    The pistol-grip pump seems to feature heavily in the nosebleed category.

  9. ATLien Says:

    It mostly shows that a number of women choose to go out with douchebags.

  10. Ted N Says:

    I despise those vids and the douchebags that set them up.If the universe was just, then we’d be allowed to sic a honey badger on the crotch of anyone that sets somebody else up to fail like that.

  11. mikee Says:

    Way back when I started shooting, I was at the range one day practicing when the guy in the next lane got out his Remington black powder hogleg revolver, an 1858 in .44 lead ball caliber. I immediately understood the concept of being “undergunned” with my puissant Ruger Mark II 22LR, but enjoyed watching him load it, and load it some more, and load it for a while longer, then shoot his first 5 shots at about 1 per minute, letting the smoke clear a little between shots.

    He stepped over to my side, and offered me the last shot in the cylinder. I politely jumped at the offer, and threw in a full mag from my Ruger for his use in return. He went first, and enjoyed the tiny little pistol with the recoil of an ant fart. Then it was my turn.

    I picked it up in what seemed a natural grip. He stopped me and pointed out that explosive gases come out between the cylinder and the barrel, so holding it two handed like a 4 pound, 14″ rifle was a bad idea if I liked my fingers. So I got a proper grip on it, and pulled and pulled the trigger, and he explained single action to me. Then I tried again and shot it, feeling quite good about hitting the target considering the length of time between trigger pull and the Bang!

    looking back on it, that experience would have fit just fine in this video.

  12. HL Says:

    Dumbass men and the dumbass women who love them…I am reminded of the scene in “Idiocracy” where they describe how natural selection stopped favoring intelligence.

    Here if you care to see it:

  13. John Smith. Says:

    I see it in the south every day HL…

  14. Bryan S. Says:

    that barrel falling out of the M2 was pretty funny… guy shooting just put his hands up like “Im done”.

    That and the idiots hitting themselves in the crotch with shotguns… wow.

  15. comatus Says:

    Jackass is right. It’s not particularly sexist, though; more like anal rape. Sure, they’ll do it to a woman if they get the chance, but they’ll do it to another guy anytime they can. And they especially like little boys.

    Ten year old, twelve gauge, inch of clearance butt to shoulder, and that kid won’t pester about going shooting for at least two more years. Parenting of least resistance. You see that a lot.

  16. TIM Says:

    What kind of Rifle is that they are all shooting at the end.

  17. Jonathan Says:

    EMI just copyright blocked your link.

  18. BrokenDemocracy Says:

    I was about to go buy that EMI recording when I saw the video and realized that I didn’t have to BUY anything!!!!!….bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

    …(but seriously, F-U EMI)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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