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In the movies

Looks like the Chiappa Rhino is starring in Total Recall.

And, really, they’re remaking Total Recall?

21 Responses to “In the movies”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Sure they are! After all, Hollywood has to keep making $200 Million Dollar FlopBusters, or all the Unions out there would lose 80% of their membership when they get Laid Off due to Lack of Work.

  2. nk Says:

    Sharon Stone made up for the Shwanzenegger in the old one, but yeah, really? There is hardly no imagination in Hollywood these days.

  3. JD Rush Says:

    Big budget Sci-Fi? Go for it. The scary part is that it has been 20+ years since the original was made.

  4. Robert Says:

    And maybe they can fix a lot of the B/S science they had in the first version. Like how a planets atmosphere can be changed in seconds, or how people can go from having their eyes bulging out due to decompression be fine with no ill effects just a moment afterwards…

  5. Alan Says:

    It’s not like they could sell it to anyone else.

  6. nk Says:

    Oh, and the point of the post. Why would anyone want a Chiappa when they can get a S&W Model 19?

  7. Guav Says:

    I also initially thought it was bizarre to remake a movie that (at least to me) seems like it just came out yesterday … that being said, the trailer looks pretty good. Then again, the trailers always look good.

    I have very low standards though, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it.

  8. North and the Gun Blog Black List Says:

    And, really, they made a Chiappa Rhino?

  9. RWC Says:

    Of course, the KRISS Vector as well.

  10. Critter Says:

    i’ve shot a Chiappa and they shoot very well. low recoil impulse, very accurate and all that. they’re simply ugly as arse.

  11. Pakkinpoppa Says:

    I’d rather they remade “The Running Man” and actually made it like the book, but something tells me the ending would kill the idea for the project.

    Half the fun of the old movie was the “space gun looking” non Tec 9 “scary looking pistol” that I forget the name of at the moment….

  12. mikee Says:

    I’d like to see a remake of “Zulu” which included rhinos.

    Yes, I did start drinking early today, why do you ask?

  13. RWC Says:

    @Pakkinpoppa –

    Claridge Hi-Tec

  14. Tirno Says:

    Dammit, I was actually thinking about getting a Rhino in .357 at some point in the future, and now I can’t be seen at the range with it for fear of being The Guy That Bought The Gun From His Favorite Movie, even though I’m pretty sure I won’t see the thing until it’s on Netflix.

  15. SGB Says:

    It has Kate Beckinsale in it. She’s awesome. Looking.

  16. Timmeehh Says:

    I’d like to see a remake of Zulu where they didn’t use rubber bayonets.

  17. Chris Says:

    …I hope they repeat the mutant woman with three t*** in the bar scene…

  18. MattCFII Says:

    Yes it will, since he was 15 at the time it left a big err, impression on him:

  19. Lyle Says:

    “…they’re remaking Total Recall?” It’s about Hollywood can do anymore. Out of altitude, out of air speed, out of ideas… “Quick! Remake!”

    I suppose we can look forward to a remake of Hairy, Curly, and Moe sometime soon. They’ll be dressed differently and it’ll be in color, but as always, their zany antics will center around making successful people look like evil idiots, and worthless dumbasses look wise and endearing.

    Next will come a new series of silent flicks…

    Oh how they pine for the old days, when they thought they had real power.

  20. Mycroft Says:

    Look for it next weekend:

    Starts Friday, April 13th.

  21. Scottw Says:

    I don’t really go for the remakes, but one that has kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel in a cat fight….I may have to force myself to go…

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