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Shooting different calibers in supressors

What it’s like to shoot smaller caliber rounds through sound suppressors. In case you want a 45 suppressor for your 9mm and .40.

13 Responses to “Shooting different calibers in supressors”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Wrong Video, Unc.

  2. SayUncle Says:


  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Ah, the Rolling Robots are Gone. Thank You.

  4. Patrick Says:

    I occasionally shoot 5.56 through a .308 can and cannot really tell the difference from shooting from a 5.56 can on the same rifle.

    Also bought a .45 can for the .40 gun. No issues. I have suppressors from SilencerCo and AAC. Both firms make top-quality gear. I am sure others do, as well. I just won’t comment on something I don’t own or use.

  5. Anon Says:

    So…if I understand correctly the suppressor tube is the NFA part, now what about the internal parts? Is there some reason different baffles could be used with one tube without a Form 4 being involved? What am I missing?

  6. nk Says:

    28 decibels difference. 135 vs. 163. Not worth the money, not worth the hassle.

    (Ambient noise in Chicago is 78db for comparison.)

    Liked the one on the Spanish Mauser, no louder than cycling the action.

  7. TomcatTCH Says:

    Anon at 11:25,

    The ATF considers even a single baffle a silencer under NFA law. You cannot have spare, backup, or extra baffles or other silencer parts without a tax stamp to go along with each and every one.

    I’m not saying it’s smart, I’m saying it’s the law (or close enough for government [ATF] work).

  8. nk Says:

    Back, when I was doing it, 3db was enough to bring you under the NFA, up or down. Altering the sound of a gunshot is enough.

    One liter Coke bottle. The duck tape is registrable.

  9. HL Says:

    Making it hearing safe is the most important part.

    The only thing I have shot that sounded “like it does in the movies” is a suppressed subsonic 22. I have shot several cans that made a subsonic centerfire round sound like a paintball gun, which is perfect IMO.

    You can get a centerfire gun “movie quiet”, but the suppressor is going to look like a fire extinguisher. Not like the little screw on jobs in Hollywood.

  10. nk Says:

    Movie magic, HL. Sophia Loren will never fall into my arms, either. 😉

  11. HL Says:

    A hollywood suppressor on Hershel’s shotgun from the last episode of The Walking Dead would be overpowered…no noise, no reloading.

  12. Justin Says:


    “28 decibels difference. 135 vs. 163. Not worth the money, not worth the hassle.”

    With respect, I disagree. I’m not sure that you understand how the decibel scale works; it’s a logarithmic scale where an increase of 10 dB is a doubling of the perceived loudness of the noise. That 28 dB difference is essentially making the noise close to 1/8th the original loudness. That is a big difference. Yes, it is still loud, but 28 dB is quite a decrease in noise.

    If you don’t want to spend the time and money, fine. Others will certainly like something that drastically reduces the noise level. Suppressors are just like mufflers on a car. One of my neighbors has a motorcycle w/o one; I sure wish he did.

  13. Patrick Says:

    Suppressors don’t make most rounds hearing safe for the shooter, but they make life around the shooter hearing safe. Without a can my shots are heard 1/2 mile away. With one they are not heard at my house, about 200 yards away.

    I still need earplugs when I shoot suppressed, but nobody else outside 25 yards does. I can step back from a suppressed gun a few yards and be perfectly comfortable with someone shooting one.

    I sometimes shoot mornings or late afternoon. Have not done a night shoot yet. But when it is odd hours I will shoot suppressed because I do not want to trouble others. This includes Sundays in winter. Summer weekends are not a big deal because once it warms up, my area comes alive with no less than 10 private ranges within a mile of me. I just blend in.

    The Fourth can be a bit noisy down here.

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