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What won a Pulitzer

Some horrible cartoons, on which Mike Riggs writes: See the rest of Wuerker’s submissions (spoiler: they all suck) here. And, yes, they are awful and not funny.

Meanwhile, a lot of newspapers didn’t win any but Politico and Huffington Post did.

5 Responses to “What won a Pulitzer”

  1. mikee Says:

    Hundreds of dead Mexican citizens killed by drug cartel members, who were armed by the ATF, is not a local or national or international or investigative story of similar magnitude to the winners. In Bizarro World.

  2. Rick Says:

    You mean to say that the Pulitzers have gone all Nobel Peace Prize-ey?

  3. Brad Says:

    It’s why I like to refer to the Pulitzer Prize as the Duranty Prize.

  4. Crotalus Says:

    Yep, Rick, Pulitzer is now as meaningless as tits are useless on a boar hawg.

  5. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Haven’t found a good recipe for pullet surprise yet. Guess I’ll have to keep looking.

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