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A Due Process Right to Record the Police

A paper by Glenn Reynolds

2 Responses to “A Due Process Right to Record the Police”

  1. nk Says:

    Illinois has an exception to its recording conversations law: … for law enforcement purposes unless you are an agent of the police …. You can record the police, up here, they cannot record you. But record your neighbor at your own risk, which sounds right to me.

  2. Disavowed With Honor Says:

    Here in TN as Uncle well knows it is legal for LE to record you during their “lawful interaction with the public” which includes traffic stops, responding to a residence, business, interview, interrogation, etc. IN TN the law also reads (paraphrase) it is legal to record ANY conversation as long as one or more parties aware of the conversation is a participant in said conversation. So according to the law, you may audio record a police officer in the state of TN without being required to inform them so long as you are involved in the conversation. You may video record a police officer if you are directly involved in the conversation or if there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. The cops that hate it are the cops who have something to hide.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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