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On stupid gun laws

That oil filter suppressor adapter making the rounds a bit back is for sale for $55. You can get it here. In the US, you have to pay $200 in taxes for a threaded adapter. A $200 tax for basic safety equipment.

2 Responses to “On stupid gun laws”

  1. Phssthpok Says:

    NRA should turn this into a massive PR campaign. Billboards along major freeways:

    “Imagine a $200 tax added to each muffler you buy…and if you build your own you go to JAIL.”

    “Imagine paying a $200 tax on each fire extinguisher in your RV…and not being able to leave the state with them unless you got permission from the government.”

    “Imagine paying a $200 tax on a fire extinguisher for your car…and if you use it on anything but YOUR car, you are a CRIMINAL.”

    And one for the ‘soccer moms’:

    “Imagine a $200 tax on each(batting helmet/mouth protector/shoulder pad/shinguard/athletic ‘cup’) for your child…and having to pay it AGAIN if it got handed down to a younger sibling.”

  2. Lyle Says:

    It’s time to end the NFA, and Prohibition along with it. Past time.

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