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Are we conditioned to call the cops because of a gun?

4 Responses to “Mindset”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    No. “WE” are not…

  2. mikee Says:

    Doctors are conditioned to do so, because where they train a gun related wound is usually, very often, almost always, with very very few exceptions, the result of criminal activity by the victim and/or the shooter. And often the gunshot victim is handcuffed to the ambulance gurney for one reason or another.

    The hospital where my doctor/wife did her initial training, Grady in Atlanta, even had shootouts in the waiting area of the Emergency Room during her years there. One was initiated by a hospital security guard who was unhappy to see his wife waiting there with her lover.

    So gunshot folks get to talk with police in hospitals, very frequently for darn good reasons.

  3. Tennessee Handgun Says:

    I’d say, yes, some people are – not everyone. Those who have become conditioned in this way, most times, appear to be uneducated in area of firearms – therefore, uncomfortable around them. Are there situations when that phone call should be made? Absolutely. However, knowing when that time is appropriate comes down to education, maturity, and good decision-making skills.

  4. TL671 Says:

    I don’t know about everywhere, but in Florida, it’s the law for doctors/hospitals to call the cops for any injury involving bullet wound. I had a former friend stupid enough to shoot himself through his left hand, showing someone that his Colt 1991 would not fire with the slide out of battery, with a loaded firearm no less. Well evidently when it goes back into battery it will fire, whoda thunk it? Anyway, when he finally went to the hospital they called the cops, as required by law, they came saw that he was a complete moron and did in fact shoot himself, then left.

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