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Took the kids camping yesterday then came home to do you yard work. No blog for you. Did I miss anything?

16 Responses to “Busy”

  1. Pathfinder Says:

    “Did I miss anything?”


  2. dunce Says:

    Nothing happened half as important in the whole world as important as a camping trip with your children.

  3. Freiheit Says:

    You still can’t buy a KelTec. Someone else released another AR-15. Country is a train wreck and the leading politicians are shoveling coal into the boilers still.

    That should catch you up. Advise going back to the woods.

  4. Chas Says:

  5. USCitizen Says:

    I spent the afternoon playing golf with son #1. He beat me by three srokes.
    Other than that, nothing important happened today except Obama has now held more fundraisers than the last five Presidents combined.

  6. Old NFO Says:

    Nothing more important than spending time with family!

  7. Sebastian Says:

    I’m still getting caught up myself. If you did miss anything, I didn’t notice.

  8. Jay G. Says:

    I mowed my lawn. Surprisingly, I did not have to use something from the Cold Steel catalog to do so…

  9. spud Says:

    I took the day off and didn’t even shave ! How’s that for earth shattering news ?

  10. nk Says:

    How did the kids do without potties? When mine was seven, she still could not do it squatting over a slit trench.

    In other news, the President thinks pit bulls taste better than hockey moms.

  11. Critter Says:

    Jim Treacher won.

  12. comatus Says:

    Hockey mom? Good eatin if you fix them right.
    Bitter and clinging, like Passover herbs.

    I live in hockey mom country, and there is no more beguiling creature that walks, swims or crawls anywhere on God’s green earth. Fool don’t even know what’s good.

  13. harp1034 Says:

    No runs, no hits, no errors, nobody left on base. SOS.

  14. HL Says:

    Before camping, did you time them to see how fast they could get their BOBs and gas masks on?

  15. jigsaw Says:

    Sounds like a great weekend … Mine was spent comforting sick kiddie who decided 2am is a good time to start vomiting ….

  16. nk Says:

    We’ve got pinkeye up here, jigsaw. Sokay, we had a very good winter.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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