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Where guns are banned

DC is experiencing serial hammer attacks. Someone is in custody now.

4 Responses to “Where guns are banned”

  1. Countertop Says:

    His brother is San Fran 49 Vernon Davis. He has another brother in the NFL too, but don’t know who he is.

    This is a strange case. Not sure a gun would help. sounds like he walked up to these guys from behind and whacked them in the back I the head with the hammer.

  2. The Comedian Says:

    Next step: DC introduces legislation requiring registration of, and licensing for, ownership of all hammer heads over five ounces.

    Councilwoman Doofus McGeee, who introduced the licensing scheme, said, “While we can understand that DC residents might have use for a tack hammer, no private citizen needs an attack hammer.”

  3. Pop N Fresh Says:

    Police tried multiple times to apprehend the suspect but quickly learned you can’t touch this………

  4. Jerry Says:

    You can assault someone with a hammer? Whooda’ thunkit?!?!

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