Archive for April, 2012

April 24, 2012

And today’s safety lesson is no ammo in gun school classrooms

A man decided not to follow that rule and wound up shooting his hand and his wife. Also, the four rules help.

Environmental guru goes skeptical on whatever we’re calling global warming these days

Yup: The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books – mine included – because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn’t happened

But NRA doesn’t care about NFA!

I read that on the internet a lot. But here they are discussing suppressors.

Alpha males

The top 10 alpha males on TeeVee.

BOA may lose 46 year customer over treatment of gun company

John starts to ditch them over their treatment of McMillan. Seems the corporate office does not approve of the actions of the individual involved. Good, that’s something.

That punishment seems so cruel and unusual

Felony charges for filling your water cup with soda at McDonalds.



On stupid gun laws

That oil filter suppressor adapter making the rounds a bit back is for sale for $55. You can get it here. In the US, you have to pay $200 in taxes for a threaded adapter. A $200 tax for basic safety equipment.

Gun Porn

NRAAM pics

SR-556C. I thought AFGs were designed to be further forward?

April 23, 2012

SAF on the move

The Second Amendment Foundation is suing New Mexico challenging that state’s prohibition on the issuance of concealed carry permits to legal resident aliens.

Pocket pistols, then and now

Fred Ray has a couple of posts.

Knowing stuff

Republicans know more stuff than Democrats. Unlike Libertarians, who know it all.

“Come and take them” didn’t make it

The 7 Greatest Pieces of Trash Talk in the History of War

Police encounter

How not to have your day ruined when open carrying.

And PR advice from Robb.

Decking out a 10/22

And it’s for a good cause.

More ‘in common use’

I saw the same thing the other day.

Weapon lights

What light for a gun equipped with an AFG?

At least the Secret Service didn’t kill anyone

Why sack the secret service and not ATF?

Prepping stuff


Remember: You’re a whole lot more likely to wind up using the contents of your “Bug Out Bag” in a Holiday Inn after your home’s been hit by a tornado or burned to the waterline than you are in a FEMA death camp.


Firearms for preppers: The SKS

In common use

With 67%, Glock and S&W Dominate List of IDPA World Shoot Guns

Banning guns at the GOP convention

The mayor wants to but state law says no:

The absurdity of banning squirt guns but not being able to do anything about real guns is patently obvious.

Like Bob said: No, Mr. Mayor. What is absurd is that you want to ban squirt guns.


The Brady pledge drive gets zero signatures.

Somethings missing

A word or two.

Jury nullification pamphlets are not a crime

Judge says passing them out at the courthouse is not jury tampering.

Izhmash officially bankrupt

Mentioned it a bit back. Looks like it’s now official. Will we see an AK-12?

Police raid nets automatic weapons and grenade launcher!

Only, you know, not.

Use a holster

And keep your booger hook off the bang switch. NJ man shoots himself tucking his gun in his pants.

US Army getting M4 carbines from Remington

Instead of Colt, they got 24,000 guns from Remmy.

Like you and me, only better

The annual list of New Yorkers who have carry licenses. It pays to be connected.

Gun Porn

HK MR762 and MR556

Old hammerless ad

Guns of Total Recall

Pics from the Dallas blogshoot. I’m not sure how you shoot a blog.

1911-esque .380s

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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