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Godspeed, MCA

MCA of Beastie Boys fame has died from cancer.

In tribute, one of the greatest videos ever:

16 Responses to “Godspeed, MCA”

  1. ExurbanKevin Says:

    The world is suddenly a little less funky.

  2. falnfenix Says:


  3. Blue Water Says:

    That’s a bummer the Beastie Boys guy died, but I always thought of them as a guilty pleasure as their fame was a result of American racism. Whites could not come to terms with the black dominated rap music until white groups like the Beastie Boys came onto the scene and bands like Aerosmith gave their approval to the “black” medium. Their success was really sort of a scar on our culture, and that should not be forgotten.

  4. D2k Says:

    It’s a sad day, this has been coming for a while now, he’s had cancer for a few years.

    @Blue Water I disagree, while certainly early rappers had difficulty breaking through the racism of the time, the Beastie Boys earned their fame independently of that, their punk rock was good too.

  5. Cargosquid Says:

    Man, I wish Sabotage was an actual movie or TV show.

  6. ATLien Says:

    Blue Water, I sure hope you are f*cking with us with that.

  7. TomcatTCH Says:

    Damn, and I always thought they mainly got famous for being the first boy band to sing about beer, not for racism.

  8. Les Jones Says:

    And Keith Richards somehow outlives another musician who’s half his age and twice as sober.

  9. DirtCrashr Says:

    Three white Jewish boys from Brooklyn are responsible for American Racism?

  10. Kasper Says:

    He yelled stick ’em up and let two fly!

  11. Jerry Says:

    I have NO dis to MCA, or the rest of the Beastie Boys. They were not my, uhm, cup of tea. A cancer vic, gets another vote.

  12. Blue Waters Says:

    I did not say that they were responsible for racism, I am saying that had their juvenile debut album, Licensed to Ill, which sucks, been performed by black dudes, no one would have given a shit and the Beastie Boys would not have made it to make their good albums. People liked them because they were white and brought black music to white people just like how Elvis brought “black music” to white kids decades before. Racism made them famous, they were not responsible for racism. There is a difference.

  13. Kdawg Says:

    Blue Waters, you are ridiculously retarded.

  14. Gudis Says:

    Blue Waters, just shut the fuck up dude. Stop trolling a fucking memorial.
    Anyhow, the Beastie Boys were awesome and Ill Communication was one of the best albums ever.

  15. Matt in AZ Says:

    This song/video just killed it in 94 and is still just hilariously relevant. RIP MCA

  16. Tango Says:

    My fav was and always will be Paul Revere. I have yet to meet anybody anywhere NEAR my age that didn’t know a huge chunk of the lyrics.

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