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TSA: Shut it down

TSA agents pull 18 month old girl off of flight because she was flagged as a suspected terrorist. I feel safe and like my money is well spent.

8 Responses to “TSA: Shut it down”

  1. SGB Says:


  2. J.D. Kinman Says:

    I’m still waiting on TSA to arrest their first terrorist. . .


  3. Mike Says:

    F*****g Insane!

  4. SPQR Says:

    It is time to close them down.

  5. Tirno Says:

    Next format for TSA protest: everyone wear a burkha. Men and Women. Refuse the body scanner on the basis of religious principle.

  6. Old NFO Says:

    Typical… sigh

  7. AZ Fortune Cookie Says:

    TSA protest: change name to a name on the no-fly list. Get a bunch of other people to do the same. Everybody book a flight on the same day.

  8. nk Says:

    Well, you know, those sneaky little eighteen-month olds, sneaking up on a stewardess and asking, “Sandwich? Have sandwich?”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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