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$699 for a crappy Steven Seagal movie

Or how to sell guns on Craigslist

8 Responses to “$699 for a crappy Steven Seagal movie”

  1. Bryan S. Says:

    Or just use armslist…

  2. Robert Says:

    Well, I’d wonder about the condition of a handgun if it was owned by someone who used the term “clip” vs. “magazine”.

    And that movie does have one good part in it. You know which one I’m talking about…

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:


    Also i don’t think the DAK trigger existed at the time of this movie…and Segal used a 1911 for his handgun

  4. that guy Says:

    That is probably Steven Seagal’s best movie ever. Not that that invalidates the post title

  5. Ancient Woodsman Says:

    The DAK may not have existed, but the standard 220 did…and the 220 pictured is a standard decocker DA/SA, not a DAK. I do not recall any 220s in that movie.

    I wonder if the PSH crowd are going to follow this sort of thing with some whiny request to ban action flick sales on Craigslist, citing the ‘Segal Loophole’ or some such crap. Good Lord, one might by the Dillon Minigun just by selling a ‘Predator’ DVD! Or maybe pawn off a Harrier jet with a copy of ‘True Lies’! Even a few BARs with a copy of ‘Sands of Iwo Jima’! Where will it end??

    Scratch that….we know where it ends; Michelle Obama instead of Tipper in front of Congress trying to ban action flicks, while Chuck Norris & Michael Moore (instead of Frank Zappa & John Denver) stand arm-in-arm to support free speech.

    And then a new season of ‘Desperate Top Ice Suvivor Idol Guns’ starts and it’ll all fade away…

  6. HL Says:

    Her tits really did look nice in that movie, though.

  7. Peter Says:

    Down here in SoFla I’ve seen listings for “.357 Pellet Gun” (Colt Trooper) and more recently an S&W Sigma in .40 listed as a “special edition airsoft gun that was made to be as realistic as possible”


  8. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    To be fair, there are actually .357 pellet rifles.

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