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All that transparency

The Most Open and Transparent Administration in History Confiscates Cell Phones Before Fundraising Dinner

5 Responses to “All that transparency”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Can you blame them? Obama made the “Bitter Clingers” remark in what he THOUGHT was strict confidence.

    That hurt. And they MUST control the message.

  2. mikee Says:

    Cell phones are simply the most convenient form of audio/video recording device these days. There are plenty of specialty devices much less obvious than a cell phone, which can be used to record the words of the president in supposedly “private” settings like fund raisers. I suspect doing things like confiscating cell phones will result in adoption of these further methods.

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    >Can you blame them? Obama made the “Bitter Clingers” remark in what he THOUGHT was strict confidence.

    I did an informal survey of non-blog readers shortly after the 0bama was selected-not-elected in the “democratic” primary. Zero percent of voters surveyed recognized the quote “bitter people clinging to guns and religion,” as newsworthy, let alone being able to successfully attributed it to President Zero.

    But then again, that election was the first ever where I felt the media said to itself, “Fuck any pretense to impartial news reporting, let’s make history!”

  4. Ellen Says:

    Dear Mr. President:

    If you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear.

    Concerned Citizen

  5. El Capitan Says:

    If I was told that, I’d think I’d use the phone on the way out the door to stop payment on the donation check.

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