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You suck. No, you suck

A look at bad gun buyer habits: I’m looking for a S&W Sigma; I don’t want to carry my XDm. I don’t want to scratch it.

A look at bad gun shop employee habits: Please Sir, Take My Money In Exchange For This Firearm

Never working, can’t comment on the first. But having bought plenty of guns, I hate when I’m obviously interested in something and the employees are chatting amongst themselves about whatever just came in the shop. I used to wait. Now, I just leave.

3 Responses to “You suck. No, you suck”

  1. Gerry Says:

    The high point of working in a gun store/range, was having a convicted felon with an active warrant try and buy a pistol.

    They don’t get much dumber than that.

  2. armed_partisan Says:

    What I always hated, perhaps more than being ignored, was when I was in a gun store, and I was trying to buy a specific firearm because it was cheap and all I could afford, and the store owner tried to convince me to buy not only a more expensive gun I couldn’t afford, but a completely different TYPE of gun. A gun he didn’t even have IN STOCK. He refused to let me handle the gun I was intending to BUY in an effort to SELL me something I could not afford, and literally didn’t have the money for. Guess who walked away without a gun that day?

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Don’t want to scratch an XD? Like you could make it any MORE ugly!

    Also with the modern finishes the big houses are putting on their metal I wonder if they’ve even given their guns a chance to get beaten up?

    My S&W1911 has been carried daily, I don’t store it in the holster, and that gun has been BATTERED around a BUNCH, and the finish isn’t noticeably thinner, or scratched from when I first got it.

    I’ve seen a TON of GLOCKS that have been rode hard, put away wet, and taken NOTHING but abuse that have nothing wrong with them that a spring change and a good bath won’t fix.

    Thankfully here in Massachusetts there are VERY few shops that don’t do their best to sell you the gun you want.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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